Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:31 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Sad Wings OF Destiny
Song Author
Glenn Raymond Tipton
File Size
17 KB
The old man's sit ting there _ his head bowed down _ _ _ _ _
Ev 'ry now and then he'll take a look a round _
And his eyes re flect the mem 'ry pain of years gone by _
He can't re gain no stal gic dreams he'll nev er see a gain
With trem bling hands he wipes a tear _ _ _ _ _
Ma ny fall like rain there's one for ev 'ry year _
And his life laid out so clear ly now life that brought death _
So near ly now life once he clung to dear ly now lets go
But spare a thought as you pass him by, take a clo ser look and you'll say
He's our to mor row _ _ _ just as much as we are his yes ter _ day
A lone ly grave, and soon for got _ _ _ _ _
On ly wind and leaves la ment his mourn ful song _
Yet they shout his ep i taph out clear for an y one _ who 's passing near
It names the per son ly ing here as you
And you... And you... And YOU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Vocals, Piano By: AllJudasPriest
Bass By: BaptizedinFire